Equinox Collection

The daffodils and Bradford Pears have sounded the alarm of spring in Northern Mississippi. Sparse areas of grasses are reaching toward the sun as the birds get a head start on nesting. Patches of morning frost dissipate as sunrays thaw the damp remnants of leaf piles. The morning dew is on its way, paving the days ahead for rain and mud.

The contrast of black and white in the White Buffalo stones used in this collection are a nod to the upcoming spring equinox. Equal hours of dark and light are mimicked in the hues of these stones, while glimpses of yellow and brown coloring indicate emerging spring blossoms. The Black Onyx in the Equinox Collection brings an emphasis to the lingering winter season and the age-old questioning of a final frost. Softened finishes on the sterling silver harken to the lingering foggy days and the misty, spring showers ahead.

We, too, are slowly awakening from our hibernation state and gearing up to create new plans and goals for the warmer months ahead. This newest body of work is an ode to the palpable excitement of the collective as we embrace longer days and sunshine in the very near future.


Grit Collection


Harvest Collection