Songbird Collection

Summer is in full swing and there is so much to do! I can’t sit still, even if I wanted to.

One of my favorite parts of summer has been beginning the morning with coffee on the front porch. As my boyfriend and I discuss our goals for the day, we watch the many birds in our front yard. They’ve already begun their day, busy flying to and fro, singing all the while.

I created the Songbird Collection as an ode to summer in all of its wonderful chaos. Although the days are longer, I am often overwhelmed with plans and an impossible to-do list. Observing the birds in flight each morning serves as a reminder to “whistle while I work”. Even though the tasks and chores seem endless, I am again encouraged to move with intention and mindfulness throughout my day.

The various types of turquoise in this collection are indicative of the soft morning sky of summer. The use of both feathers and twist wire are meant to evoke a sense of movement. I have also added some pieces to this collection that have true kinetic qualities to further convey this concept using movement and sound.

I hope you all enjoy the Songbird Collection as much as I enjoyed bringing it to life. Wishing you a lovely summer filled with grace and gratitude!


Hearth Collection


Aspire Collection